Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Baby Gwen is 6 Weeks Old!!

Baby Gwen is almost 2 months old. I can't believe how fast the newborn stage is gone. She is so bright-eyed and active. She started smiling at us when she was just a few weeks old. She is always moving and kicking her legs and arms like she is trying so hard to get up and start walking around. The first month or so was a little rough because she was so gassy and uncomfortable. The doctor told me to modify my diet so I no longer eat dairy, eggs, nuts, or fish. I have been living off BLT's and Pop Tarts.

Tate is slowly adjusting to his new sister, and loves to give her kisses and shove her binky in her mouth when she cries. He is at a fun age but tiring at the same time. He loves to count, sing songs, and play with the neighbors. Life with 2 kids is a little tricky sometimes and I don't get near as much done as I used to. The laundry piles up, the dishes sit in the sink, and its all I can do to get myself in the shower. Although, my house and hygiene is suffering I am loving life with my two beautiful kids.


Stephers said...

She is Beautiful! Love the video of Tate, he is just as active as Drew. I hear you on the house cleaning and the showers!!! I feel like I am in the same clothes day in and day out... but it is worth all the good times with the munchkins.

dayna said...

natalie, you look SO beautiful! and gwen is perfect--so cute. glad to hear that things are all normal and good. tate is such a cute kid too.

amelia and crew said...

What cute smiles. I haven't been able to catch Holland in the act yet.

Stacy said...

Love the flips Tate! You are awesome!

Little Gwen is so adorable. Did I see a little red hair? I am sooooo jealous!

Missy said...

You look amazing, and gwen is beautiful! I love that video of tate, it made me laugh. So cute!

sellers said...

I can't believe how big Gwen is getting, we need your address. Olivia has a present that she has been wanting to sent her new friend, her mom is just a slacker, Sorry!