Monday, February 15, 2010

You Can Rest When You're Dead!

I had one of those days today. I was feeling sorry for myself. Feeling sorry for the endless monotony of my days. Changing diaper after diaper, feeding, dressing, bathing, napping etc. I spent the good part of the day angry and sad. Then I had one of those "Ah Ha" moments, where I realized how short this time will be. My children will never be this little again. They will never need me the way they need me now. When they are teenagers I am going to ache for these monotonous days. Although I go to bed most nights and wake up most mornings, exhausted, I know I need to cherish every minute I have with my kids. My mom has said to me many times, "you can rest when you're dead," and it is so true. This time on earth is short and we should make every moment count. I'm going to try each day to enjoy the little things and hang on to every moment I have with my little angels.


Bonnie said...


Stephers said...

I soooo hear you. We are looking to adopt again in the next few months and part of me is saying "ARE YOU NUTS?" But I know that I want the kids as close as can be and I know it will only be a few short years of running after them cleaning up all messes they make!! Thanks for this post, I needed to hear that it wasn't just me feeling this way :)

Matt and Mandy said...

Well said. We watched home videos today (because I was charging the camera and happened to pull them out in front of the kids). They thought they were hilarious, but it made me realize that they looked so little, yet it feels like yesterday. Time flies by WAY too fast!