Monday, April 26, 2010

Best Neighbors EVER!!

When Paul and I moved back from Omaha I was sure I would never find a neighborhood like Village Green. We moved in with his parents and Elaine and I started the hunt for a new home. When I found this place in Saratoga Springs I fell in love IMMEDIATELY. I loved everything about it. I had a list of criteria that had to be met and this home had it all. I was obsessed with buying it. We made an offer and things seemed to be working out, until the deal went bad. Paul had thrown in the towel and basically told me to find another home, but I would not let it go. I finally decided I had to get what I wanted no matter what. So, I made an appointment with the President of DR Horton to discuss our offer. After a few tears and some serious pleading by me, he finally relented and the house was ours. I didn't know at the time why I felt so strongly about moving into this home, I thought it had something to do with the HUGE bathtub. Now I know it had everything to do with my wonderful neighbors. Tate loves all the kids here and they are so great to him. We always get together for BBQ's during the summer and everyday we sit outside and watch the kids play together. I am very lucky to have such wonderful friends and I can't imagine living anywhere else.


Stephers said...

So cute. I totally agree about having wonderful neighbors! Tate is just so darn cute, love that he plays with all the big kids :)