Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Tate is 3 years old and we have been working on potty training since January...let me just tell you how sick I am of diapers, pull-ups, potty seats, poop, and wiping bums. Nobody should ever get as comfortable with poop as I am. Last month Tate was finally getting the hang of pooping on the potty, then he got sick and it was all downhill from there. So last week we basically started from scratch with the pooping on the potty and as of the last two days he has done pretty darn good. I can't tell you how horrible potty training is. Why didn't anyone warn me? I really hope Gwen will be easier to train than Tate, because I don't think I can go through that awful mess again.


Mauri said...

I hear ya girl...PT was the worst thing I think I have had to do as a parent. My first was a nightmare. He could do it, he just wouldn't. I felt like it took 8 months from start to finish...By my second though, he started wanting to be PT just after his 2nd bday and I WAS NOT READY to go through that torture again! I tried to put if off, but finally just went for it. He basically did it himself and in a matter of no time, it was a done deal. My second was my reward for having to go through it with my first...I heard girls are easier too, so hopefully Gwen will help you forget about how miserable it has been with Tate. Good luck! I hope you are on the downhill slope! Oh the things we didn't think about when dreaming of being a mom!! Happy Mother's Day!

amelia and crew said...

I was just reading your post when Franny walked up to me and said, "Heyyyy, I want to see Tate in a video." She is smitten.

Unknown said...

I did warn you!